Monday, January 14, 2013


Continuing with my 30Things Series here is number five: What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?


I love this post because, frankly, sometimes it is so hard to think of even five things that are making me happy right at a single moment in time. But I need to stop being negative and appreciate what I have. So here it goes!


1.      My husband, naturally. He always knows how to make me feel better. I swear I can be on the verge of a mental breakdown and all it takes is a few words from him and I feel so much better. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful he is, you'll just have to trust me ;)

2.      My dog. He is the happiest, cutest dog ever. And I know he can tell how I feel because when I am in a good mood he is very playful but when I am in a not so great place he just lays down and snuggles me. Does it get any better than dog snuggles?

3.      The future. I have so many things to look forward to. I sometimes lose sight of what is to come because I get so caught up in the past or the burdens I am currently facing. But I know that soon I will have all of the great things that I have worked so hard for.

4.      My job. I am so thankful for my job. Not everyone has a job that they enjoy as much as I do. Plus it puts the roof over my head, the food on our table, and clothes on our back, so who could complain?

5.      The TTCAL board on The Bump. Seriously, the ladies here are amazing. I don’t know how else I would be getting through this entire journey. No one else understands the emotions and heartaches the way that they do. I am so grateful for them!

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