Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This is Real and Not to Good to Be True!

I got my beta results back and they were good! They more than doubled in a little less than 48 hours! I feel so blessed. This is so amazing to me. We have our first ultrasound on Valentine’s Day! I will be praying that everything keeps going this great! I am seriously freaking out right now because this is all going so amazing!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Too Good To Be True?

I called my doctor’s office today, praying that I could get in and have my betas done. The nurse asked if I had gotten a positive home pregnancy test yet to which I told her “yes”. But in my head I was all “Only three of them, no big deal”. And she asked when I was supposed to get my period and I told her “today” but in my head I was saying “Yeah that ugly biotch did not show up this morning”. And so she said I could come in today and get my betas done and then do the repeat test on Wednesday. So at three today I got a voicemail and my first beta was at 587, which is way higher than I thought it would be! So while it is high, I really have to wait until Wednesday to get my results. I need this number to double so I will be hoping and praying that we get good news on Wednesday! Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Is This Real Life?!

I am still in complete and utter shock! But also bliss. This morning my temp dropped but not anywhere near my cover line temp. So with some encouragement from my TTCAL ladies I tested and low and behold there was a very bold positive. I was in shock and trying not to freak out too much as it was 5am and I didn’t want to wake anyone up ha. I went and laid back down but, naturally, could not fall back asleep. At 6am I had to go bathroom again and so I took another test, thinking, surly the first one was wrong. But there it was another positive! I could have died. But instead I went and laid down, eventually fell back asleep, and then woke up in a panic that it was all a dream. Nope it was not! So this is real, this is happening to me. I am due September 29th, 2013.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Anxious, hopeful, and slightly crazy

Somehow, my temp has not dropped this cycle. I am 11 DPO and this morning I took my temp expecting a drop. But no, there it was a lovely 97.66°, which for me is high! So here I sit, trying not to get excited and waiting for the, impending, drop tomorrow. But for today I am hopeful that maybe my temp won’t drop. I am trying not to read into every little sign and crediting anything I do feel to PMS. But please, oh please, oh please do not be PMS!

So this is my lovely TTCAL brain being crazy. I swear I was never this crazy before. But now here I am trying to stay as busy as possible, just so that I don’t start peeing on things. TMI? Probably, but this is what I have been reduced to haha!

Anyways I will check back in tomorrow with a temp drop or a test result. Fingers crossed!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Continuing with my 30Things Series here is number five: What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?


I love this post because, frankly, sometimes it is so hard to think of even five things that are making me happy right at a single moment in time. But I need to stop being negative and appreciate what I have. So here it goes!


1.      My husband, naturally. He always knows how to make me feel better. I swear I can be on the verge of a mental breakdown and all it takes is a few words from him and I feel so much better. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful he is, you'll just have to trust me ;)

2.      My dog. He is the happiest, cutest dog ever. And I know he can tell how I feel because when I am in a good mood he is very playful but when I am in a not so great place he just lays down and snuggles me. Does it get any better than dog snuggles?

3.      The future. I have so many things to look forward to. I sometimes lose sight of what is to come because I get so caught up in the past or the burdens I am currently facing. But I know that soon I will have all of the great things that I have worked so hard for.

4.      My job. I am so thankful for my job. Not everyone has a job that they enjoy as much as I do. Plus it puts the roof over my head, the food on our table, and clothes on our back, so who could complain?

5.      The TTCAL board on The Bump. Seriously, the ladies here are amazing. I don’t know how else I would be getting through this entire journey. No one else understands the emotions and heartaches the way that they do. I am so grateful for them!

Friday, January 4, 2013

To A New Year

Happy New Years!!! (A few days late)

I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions but I have felt so out of control in my life lately that I want to make a few resolutions for things that I can control!

I already feel as though this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders with the New Year. What better time to start being optimistic and make this year as great as I can?

 I will totally admit that with all of the craziness I went through last year I gave up in ummm….March? I was pretty much out of energy and little did I know that was only the tip of the ice berg!

So this year I am going to start off as great as possible and control what I can! So here are my three New Year’s Resolutions:

1.      Focus more on school. I put so much effort into my work, but I do not put the same amount of effort into my classes. I only have four terms until I graduate, three of which are this year. So I am going to put the same amount of effort into my school work as I do my job.

2.      Kick butt with my internship this summer. If it goes well they will offer me a job in August, which will be amazing! I did an internship with the same company last summer and they asked me to come back again this summer so I really hope that is a good sign. I am going to do my absolute best and hope for the rest to fall into place!

3.      Exercise more! I am not going to say that I will exercise “X” times a week because, frankly, I know that won’t happen. I just want to exercise on a more regular basis. It makes me feel so much better and I know that I need to do it anyways!

I hope that this year is better, and I have a feeling it will be! I hope that everyone else has a great year as well!