Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Walking Dead

I love the show The Walking Dead. It took some convincing from my wonderful husband to finally watch it (this was me “Zombies are soooo stooopid, why is everyone obsessed with all of that lame zombie stuff?”) Then I watched ONE episode and I haven’t stopped since. Wonderful zombie shows aside though, I think I am becoming a zombie. Last week was dead week and then this week is finals. I have four finals (that I should be studying for right now!) and then I have one glorious week off from both work and school. Can anyone blame me for being exhausted? I am pregnant, working full time, and going to school full time…Every time I say that I realize that I have lost my mind! What in the world was I thinking getting pregnant before finishing school? And then I look at my ultrasound picture with my sweet little baby in there who was bouncing away and then I remember why I did this! But I am probably still crazy! So wish me luck that I can make it through this week with my mind still intact!

Friday, March 8, 2013

I'm Alive and Baby and I are Both Well!

I went on hiatus after getting my positive pregnancy test. I've just been too scared to talk about it, as though I might jinx it. But on Wednesday we had an ultrasound and everything was perfect. We saw the heartbeat flickering away and baby was wiggling around like crazy! I feel pretty confident that this is going to be our take home rainbow baby. I am ten weeks, I'll be elven weeks on Sunday. And I will start doing much better about updating! And here is a pic of our little prune (that's how big it is this week!)